Medical malpractice

Medical negligence

responsabilità medica

Medical malpractice trials regard cases in which a medical professional and health care personnel are charged for culpable homicide and injury to patients.

Specifically, the offenses involving medical liability are:

  • culpable injury
  • manslaughter

Criminal lawyer expert in medical malpractice

The criminal lawyer expert in matters related to medical activity deals with cases concerning alleged negligence or medical errors that caused injury or death of patients, as well as any case directly or indirectly related to medical activity.

Medical professionals and health care personnel can therefore turn to the criminal defence lawyer expert in this field to seek advice concerning their position and the legal consequences of the allegations made against them.

Individuals who have suffered injuries and family members of the deceased may turn to the criminal lawyer expert in medical liability to understand how to protect their rights injured by medical malpractice.

In particular, the medical malpractice criminal lawyer can support the client by following the following activities:

  • case assessment: carefully evaluate the details of the case to determine whether there is a legal basis for a medical liability lawsuit. This initial assessment may include review of medical records, expert testimony, and medical evidence.
  • counselling: advising the client on the available options, timelines, and prospects for the case.
  • expert consultation: working with experts in medical science to better understand the standard of medical care applicable to the case and determine whether it has been violated; appointing expert witnesses for the prosecution.
  • evidence gathering: activate defence investigations to gather relevant evidence, including expert testimony in medical science, patient statements, and other documentation relevant to the proceedings.
  • technical defence of the medical professional: providing assistance and defence to the medical professional from the preliminary investigation stage to demonstrate compliance with the guidelines adopted in the medical field.
  • out-of-court assistance for the injured person: negotiation with the medical professional’s medical insurance or defence attorney to seek an out-of-court settlement that compensates the injured patient without the need for court intervention.
  • representation of the injured party: if the case cannot be settled out of court, representing the injured patient during the investigation and in court, assisting the prosecution in proving medical liability and seeking compensation.
  • appeals: if necessary, file objections and appeals against lower court decisions to try to obtain a better outcome for the patient.

Dal Pozzo Law Firm

Criminal Law Milan

Licia Dal Pozzo Advocate